Meaningful Thoughts TODAY
"Either do it or don't do it. No more wishy-washy, half-hearted attempts. Either say 'no' to achievement or dig in and get to the bottom of the persistent incongruence between what you say and what you do."
-- Dan Kennedy
Dear Meaningful Friend, let's take on the charge in this last quarter of the year.
Maximise the moment.
Make use of the holidays to review some of your long-deferred 'projects'.
Be done with procrastination!
Rise up and take action!
Have a meaningful weekend!
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
For fresh graduates only/ Excellent result from an NUC accredited university.
Admission open till September 30, 2014
For more information visit:
For fresh graduates only/ Excellent result from an NUC accredited university.
Admission open till September 30, 2014
For more information visit:
Friday, 29 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
Meaningful Living TODAY
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
by John Maxwell
Ask most people about their company’s mission statement, and you’ll receive a blank stare. It’s probably hanging on the wall somewhere, but no one even realizes it’s there. Pausing to consider the organization’s mission may help to orient a leadership team. However, in terms of day-to-day operations, the organization’s stated purpose is practically worthless.
Leaders should quit agonizing over the wording of an abstract mission statement that almost no one will read and that will have almost zero impact on their people. Instead, they should concentrate their efforts on developing and following a “Rule of 5” for their company.
What’s the Rule of 5?
Picture a tree in your backyard that needs to be cut down. If you grab an ax and take five good swings at the tree each day, eventually you will chop it down. It may take a month to fell a small tree, while a big tree may take years to topple. The size of the tree isn’t the issue; the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at it every day.
For leaders, a primary challenge is to identify the five activities most essential to success, and then to practice them daily. The Rule of 5 doesn’t ask: “What are the five things I would like to do.” That’s a question related to passion. Nor does it ask: “What are five things I should like to do? That sort of inquiry uncovers your values. Rather, the Rule of 5 asks: “What are the five things I must like to do in order to be successful?” Posing this question cuts to the heart of the daily behaviors necessary to win in your chosen profession.
For example, to excel as an author, there are five things that must happen each day:
Filing good material
Asking questions
If someone has raw talent as a writer, and practices these activities long enough, they’ll eventually find an audience for their work.
The Rule of 5 is more tangible, behavioral, and measurable than a mission statement. At the end of the day, you can review the Rule of 5 and immediately assess whether or not you have followed it. Ultimately, your organizational culture will be dictated far more by the things you do daily than by the mission statement you post on your walls or website homepage.
Exercise to Consider
Over the next week, carve out time to consider the five activities most essential to your success. Use them to create your own Rule of 5. Then, for the next month, take five minutes in the morning, and another five minutes at the end of the day, to review your Rule of 5. This simple exercise will sharpen your focus and speed your progress toward success.
Will you start on your own today?
by John Maxwell
Ask most people about their company’s mission statement, and you’ll receive a blank stare. It’s probably hanging on the wall somewhere, but no one even realizes it’s there. Pausing to consider the organization’s mission may help to orient a leadership team. However, in terms of day-to-day operations, the organization’s stated purpose is practically worthless.
Leaders should quit agonizing over the wording of an abstract mission statement that almost no one will read and that will have almost zero impact on their people. Instead, they should concentrate their efforts on developing and following a “Rule of 5” for their company.
What’s the Rule of 5?
Picture a tree in your backyard that needs to be cut down. If you grab an ax and take five good swings at the tree each day, eventually you will chop it down. It may take a month to fell a small tree, while a big tree may take years to topple. The size of the tree isn’t the issue; the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at it every day.
For leaders, a primary challenge is to identify the five activities most essential to success, and then to practice them daily. The Rule of 5 doesn’t ask: “What are the five things I would like to do.” That’s a question related to passion. Nor does it ask: “What are five things I should like to do? That sort of inquiry uncovers your values. Rather, the Rule of 5 asks: “What are the five things I must like to do in order to be successful?” Posing this question cuts to the heart of the daily behaviors necessary to win in your chosen profession.
For example, to excel as an author, there are five things that must happen each day:
Filing good material
Asking questions
If someone has raw talent as a writer, and practices these activities long enough, they’ll eventually find an audience for their work.
The Rule of 5 is more tangible, behavioral, and measurable than a mission statement. At the end of the day, you can review the Rule of 5 and immediately assess whether or not you have followed it. Ultimately, your organizational culture will be dictated far more by the things you do daily than by the mission statement you post on your walls or website homepage.
Exercise to Consider
Over the next week, carve out time to consider the five activities most essential to your success. Use them to create your own Rule of 5. Then, for the next month, take five minutes in the morning, and another five minutes at the end of the day, to review your Rule of 5. This simple exercise will sharpen your focus and speed your progress toward success.
Will you start on your own today?
Thursday, 14 August 2014
A few months ago, I went on an outing with the Meaningful Seeds -these are the children of the members of the Meaning Men and Meaningful Women groups ( you can ask more on that later. And I am sure you will believe me if I tell you that we had a meaningful outing –children are really wonderful.
Part of the fun we had was games. Some of the children came with different games. There was this particular game that one of them brought –“Yunomi”. Sounds funny, right? The game can be played between 2 or more persons who are supposed to be friends e.g. spouses, siblings, class mates’ e.t.c.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines a friend as “a person YOU KNOW VERY WELL and like, and who is not usually a member of your family”. Note the capitalised words.
As many of us expect, a friend is someone you believe should be there for you when the need arises –a friend in need, is a friend indeed. I recently came across a quote: “The fastest way to find out if someone is really your friend is to tell them you’re broke”, (laughs).
Well, the issue is not necessarily about asking someone for money. But rather about the question “you call me your friend, do you know me?”
I was chatting with a senior friend and mentor who left the country some years ago and he made the statement “I know you very well, though I left the shores of Naija for long”. Hmmmm.….okay, I think he does.
Back to the capitalised words in the definition. How many of the people you call your friends do YOU KNOW VERY WELL? Your spouse inclusive? And how many of your friends can really so much of you that they know? Likes? Dislikes? Best this? Best that? E.t.c.
I guess it won’t be a bad idea to take time out to know to really know your friends; it can make your life meaningful…
Now ask your friend "Do you know me?"
A few months ago, I went on an outing with the Meaningful Seeds -these are the children of the members of the Meaning Men and Meaningful Women groups ( you can ask more on that later. And I am sure you will believe me if I tell you that we had a meaningful outing –children are really wonderful.
Part of the fun we had was games. Some of the children came with different games. There was this particular game that one of them brought –“Yunomi”. Sounds funny, right? The game can be played between 2 or more persons who are supposed to be friends e.g. spouses, siblings, class mates’ e.t.c.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines a friend as “a person YOU KNOW VERY WELL and like, and who is not usually a member of your family”. Note the capitalised words.
As many of us expect, a friend is someone you believe should be there for you when the need arises –a friend in need, is a friend indeed. I recently came across a quote: “The fastest way to find out if someone is really your friend is to tell them you’re broke”, (laughs).
Well, the issue is not necessarily about asking someone for money. But rather about the question “you call me your friend, do you know me?”
I was chatting with a senior friend and mentor who left the country some years ago and he made the statement “I know you very well, though I left the shores of Naija for long”. Hmmmm.….okay, I think he does.
Back to the capitalised words in the definition. How many of the people you call your friends do YOU KNOW VERY WELL? Your spouse inclusive? And how many of your friends can really so much of you that they know? Likes? Dislikes? Best this? Best that? E.t.c.
I guess it won’t be a bad idea to take time out to know to really know your friends; it can make your life meaningful…
Now ask your friend "Do you know me?"
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
10 Times You're Better Off Saying Nothing At All
1. When the other side in a negotiation starts debating against itself.
Often your best move in that situation is to keep your mouth shut and simply stay out of their way.
2. When you've asked a question: wait for an answer
3. When the other side misunderstands (and you don't have a duty to talk).
You don't always have an obligation to correct someone else's mistakes.
4. When you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You never have to fill a silence, especially when you don't have anything useful to fill it with. (In those cases, it's true: Everything you say may well in fact be used against you.)
5. When you need someone else to get the credit.
As President Harry S. Truman once said, you can accomplish just about anything if you don't care who gets the credit. Sometimes, that means staying quiet just long enough for someone else to think of your solution and propose it as his or her own.
6. When you are bragging, as opposed to sharing.
7. When your comment is more about you than the other person.
8. When you want someone else to grow.
Instead of leaping forward to answer a thoughtful question that you know the answer to, sometimes it makes sense to hold back and let others figure it out.
9. When you are clearly boring people.
Most of us can tell when we're holding court for an audience that simply couldn't care less. In that case, cut it short, wrap things up, and stop talking.
10. When you begin a speech.
Your silence holds your audience in suspense, in anticipation of your next utterance....
Meaningful Living
10 Times You're Better Off Saying Nothing At All
1. When the other side in a negotiation starts debating against itself.
Often your best move in that situation is to keep your mouth shut and simply stay out of their way.
2. When you've asked a question: wait for an answer
3. When the other side misunderstands (and you don't have a duty to talk).
You don't always have an obligation to correct someone else's mistakes.
4. When you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You never have to fill a silence, especially when you don't have anything useful to fill it with. (In those cases, it's true: Everything you say may well in fact be used against you.)
5. When you need someone else to get the credit.
As President Harry S. Truman once said, you can accomplish just about anything if you don't care who gets the credit. Sometimes, that means staying quiet just long enough for someone else to think of your solution and propose it as his or her own.
6. When you are bragging, as opposed to sharing.
7. When your comment is more about you than the other person.
8. When you want someone else to grow.
Instead of leaping forward to answer a thoughtful question that you know the answer to, sometimes it makes sense to hold back and let others figure it out.
9. When you are clearly boring people.
Most of us can tell when we're holding court for an audience that simply couldn't care less. In that case, cut it short, wrap things up, and stop talking.
10. When you begin a speech.
Your silence holds your audience in suspense, in anticipation of your next utterance....
Meaningful Living
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
(Adapted from a post by
Whatever it is you want to become you have got all it takes to become.
Whenever you tell yourself that you can't achieve a desired goal for whatever reason, logical or emotional, you are cheating yourself.
You are like a commercial farmer and you have got the tractor in you already, every other tool is an add-on -cultivators, tillers, planters, harrows, e.t.c.
The only thing that can prevent you from achieving your goal is YOU, not the lack of anything.
It's right to give all you've got to get what you truly want. Sometimes all it takes is all you've got and we all know that an inner fire can't be quenched as long as the host keeps fanning it.
Nothing is impossible to a determined man. All he needs is already within him and determination ensures that he finds and harnesses them.
So whatever it is you really want to be, go after it because you've got all it takes.
And remember that sometimes it will take all you've got, but if it's your true passion it will always be worth it.
God will never bring into your life whatever is impossible for you; with God all things are possible.
Do make your life Meaningful!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
(Adapted from a post by
Whatever it is you want to become you have got all it takes to become.
Whenever you tell yourself that you can't achieve a desired goal for whatever reason, logical or emotional, you are cheating yourself.
You are like a commercial farmer and you have got the tractor in you already, every other tool is an add-on -cultivators, tillers, planters, harrows, e.t.c.
The only thing that can prevent you from achieving your goal is YOU, not the lack of anything.
It's right to give all you've got to get what you truly want. Sometimes all it takes is all you've got and we all know that an inner fire can't be quenched as long as the host keeps fanning it.
Nothing is impossible to a determined man. All he needs is already within him and determination ensures that he finds and harnesses them.
So whatever it is you really want to be, go after it because you've got all it takes.
And remember that sometimes it will take all you've got, but if it's your true passion it will always be worth it.
God will never bring into your life whatever is impossible for you; with God all things are possible.
Do make your life Meaningful!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." That's probably the most famous quote by Albert Einstein, a man whose name has become a synonym for high intelligence. And he is saying 'you are a genius'.
Though none of us sees himself/herself as a moron, most of us do not actually see him/ her self as a genius. When we make the classifications in our minds, using the common criteria, we are sure that we are just a regular guy/girl. That there is nothing significantly special about us. But we are wrong and that quote by Albert Einstein explains it all.
As sarcastic as it sounds, it's also true: The unique thing about everyone of us is that we are each unique. There is no average man. It's only when we group everyone together and divide by a singular criterion that we come up with the notion of seeing some as average, some as below average and a few as geniuses.
The educational system judges by book knowledge and classifies the egg-head as a genius.
The corporate world judges by revenue and classifies the guy who is able to generate an unusual amount of it as a genius.
The political world judges by followership and classifies the folks with the largest followership as geniuses.
But these systems of classification are wrong, they are like judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree.
That's why the book genius is rarely a political genius.
Unfortunately, we have only few famous classification criteria. Some of us are geniuses at things people aren't aware of.
Within some of us lies a new field of study, a new kind of sport, an unusual invention, and a new criterion for detecting geniuses.
And like the fish we need to find our own pool.
We need to stop trying to climb a tree.
We need to stop accepting the labels the society puts on us.
We need to figure out our special ability and max it out.
We need to start seeing ourselves as a genius.
It doesn't matter if no one thinks there's something significantly special about us. What matters is that there's definitely something, significant or not, special about each one of us. Whether we've discovered it or not. But when we discover it, we should make it significant. We should give it a front row in our lives' procession.
We should let our lights shine.
Everyday of your life you should never consider someone else better than you, you shouldn't let anyone or group of people make you feel less, you shouldn't let anyone judge you by a wrong criterion, you shouldn't let anyone treat you like trash, you should stand up with shoulders high and chest out anywhere because you, my friend, are a genius.
Challenge: Go and discover your inner Einstein -YOU ARE A MEANINGFUL GENIUS!!!!
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." That's probably the most famous quote by Albert Einstein, a man whose name has become a synonym for high intelligence. And he is saying 'you are a genius'.
Though none of us sees himself/herself as a moron, most of us do not actually see him/ her self as a genius. When we make the classifications in our minds, using the common criteria, we are sure that we are just a regular guy/girl. That there is nothing significantly special about us. But we are wrong and that quote by Albert Einstein explains it all.
As sarcastic as it sounds, it's also true: The unique thing about everyone of us is that we are each unique. There is no average man. It's only when we group everyone together and divide by a singular criterion that we come up with the notion of seeing some as average, some as below average and a few as geniuses.
The educational system judges by book knowledge and classifies the egg-head as a genius.
The corporate world judges by revenue and classifies the guy who is able to generate an unusual amount of it as a genius.
The political world judges by followership and classifies the folks with the largest followership as geniuses.
But these systems of classification are wrong, they are like judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree.
That's why the book genius is rarely a political genius.
Unfortunately, we have only few famous classification criteria. Some of us are geniuses at things people aren't aware of.
Within some of us lies a new field of study, a new kind of sport, an unusual invention, and a new criterion for detecting geniuses.
And like the fish we need to find our own pool.
We need to stop trying to climb a tree.
We need to stop accepting the labels the society puts on us.
We need to figure out our special ability and max it out.
We need to start seeing ourselves as a genius.
It doesn't matter if no one thinks there's something significantly special about us. What matters is that there's definitely something, significant or not, special about each one of us. Whether we've discovered it or not. But when we discover it, we should make it significant. We should give it a front row in our lives' procession.
We should let our lights shine.
Everyday of your life you should never consider someone else better than you, you shouldn't let anyone or group of people make you feel less, you shouldn't let anyone judge you by a wrong criterion, you shouldn't let anyone treat you like trash, you should stand up with shoulders high and chest out anywhere because you, my friend, are a genius.
Challenge: Go and discover your inner Einstein -YOU ARE A MEANINGFUL GENIUS!!!!
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
There is only one way to finding your inner genius -- by working yourself hard, far and wide.
We are like diamonds, our beauty can only shine through cuttings and being hammered. The finest diamond is simply the one with the finest cutting, a well hammered diamond.
If we don't stretch ourselves we will never discover our inner genius, the one thing we can have an absolute advantage in.
But why do you need to work HARD, FAR and WIDE to discover your inner genius?
1. Why Hard?
Working hard on anything leads to one of 3 outcomes: you give in, you give up or you keep screaming game on!
You give in when you reach a point where your performance begins to degrade severely, more effort from you yields negative result (negative progress), and you decide to stop completely.
You give up when progress is painfully slow and you are sure that you don't want to bear that pain anymore.
And it's game on when every increase in difficulty amazingly brings about an enjoyable increase in your performance. Like you are playing your favourite game. You see everything as a pleasant challenge. And that's where your inner genius lies. Unfortunately, you'll never know for sure till you push really hard and find yourself in an unending trend along one of those 3 outcomes.
2. Why Far?
To be sure that the state you are in is a permanent one, you'll need to go very far. There are some activities you'll engage in that will be daunting at first and you will want to give up but as you persevere it suddenly becomes game on. And there are still some others that seem pleasurable in the beginning but becomes unbearably boring after some time and you give in. So the distance matters. You need to go far.
3. Why Wide?
Obviously, you will enjoy and go far in most of the activities you excel at. But it's only in your inner genius that you will go as wide as possible.
Many people enjoy singing and attempt to sing all songs, but only a few go wide (and wild) with singing. Only those whose inner genius is singing will give up everything to pursue a career in singing. They are the only ones who will attempt ceaselessly to sing before everyone. They go wide with it. And that's what seals a talent or ability as your core genius.
But you will never know how much you love an activity or how much you are willing to give up for a talent if you don't work hard at it and go far into it.
And these are why you need to work hard, far and wide to discover your inner genius.
And it's only when you find your inner genius that you can make your life truly Meaningful!
There is only one way to finding your inner genius -- by working yourself hard, far and wide.
We are like diamonds, our beauty can only shine through cuttings and being hammered. The finest diamond is simply the one with the finest cutting, a well hammered diamond.
If we don't stretch ourselves we will never discover our inner genius, the one thing we can have an absolute advantage in.
But why do you need to work HARD, FAR and WIDE to discover your inner genius?
1. Why Hard?
Working hard on anything leads to one of 3 outcomes: you give in, you give up or you keep screaming game on!
You give in when you reach a point where your performance begins to degrade severely, more effort from you yields negative result (negative progress), and you decide to stop completely.
You give up when progress is painfully slow and you are sure that you don't want to bear that pain anymore.
And it's game on when every increase in difficulty amazingly brings about an enjoyable increase in your performance. Like you are playing your favourite game. You see everything as a pleasant challenge. And that's where your inner genius lies. Unfortunately, you'll never know for sure till you push really hard and find yourself in an unending trend along one of those 3 outcomes.
2. Why Far?
To be sure that the state you are in is a permanent one, you'll need to go very far. There are some activities you'll engage in that will be daunting at first and you will want to give up but as you persevere it suddenly becomes game on. And there are still some others that seem pleasurable in the beginning but becomes unbearably boring after some time and you give in. So the distance matters. You need to go far.
3. Why Wide?
Obviously, you will enjoy and go far in most of the activities you excel at. But it's only in your inner genius that you will go as wide as possible.
Many people enjoy singing and attempt to sing all songs, but only a few go wide (and wild) with singing. Only those whose inner genius is singing will give up everything to pursue a career in singing. They are the only ones who will attempt ceaselessly to sing before everyone. They go wide with it. And that's what seals a talent or ability as your core genius.
But you will never know how much you love an activity or how much you are willing to give up for a talent if you don't work hard at it and go far into it.
And these are why you need to work hard, far and wide to discover your inner genius.
And it's only when you find your inner genius that you can make your life truly Meaningful!
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
Hope you find some Meaningful Thoughts here...
William and Susan were both 22 years old when they married in 1995. William worked for a national telecommunications company and Susan was a teacher at a local school. Soon after their honeymoon William got a pleasant surprise from his employer. He was promoted to a regional director, a position of his dreams.
“Honey I have some very good news to share with you. Our lives will never be the same again.” William announced as he opened the kitchen door.
“Please stop cooking, go and take a quick shower and dress up. We have to go out and celebrate.” William continued.
“What is it? Please tell me.” Susan enquired with great excitement.
There was joy in the house when William shared the good news with his wife. But little did they know that their celebration marked the beginning of the end of happy days in their marriage.
The demands of the new job took a toll on William and Susan’s marriage. William travelled for meetings intensively and spent more time at the office. Week after week Susan stayed home alone bored and deeply frustrated. It seemed William was now married to his job. On several occasions Susan communicated her concerns to William but William would always dismiss her concerns by saying, “honey soon I will be at the top of the ladder and we will have all the time in the world to do all the things you desire and visit all the beautiful places in the world. With this kind of money I will retire early. Please I need your support not your constant complaining. Remember I am doing this for us. I am doing what any loving husband would do.”
With each passing day William and Susan grew further apart. The higher William climbed the corporate ladder, they more time he spent away from home and the worse their marriage became. Ten years later William had a very good paying job, a very frustrated and unsatisfied wife and a marriage at the verge of collapse.
Stop and smell the roses, is a reminder that each of us need to occasionally stop the mad rush to enjoy life with the people we love. The greatest gift you can give your spouse is you. You can give your spouse your entire paycheck. You can buy your spouse the house or car of their dreams. You can send your spouse on a world tour of their favorite places. You can buy your spouse everything they have ever dreamed of. Yes, you can give your spouse all that if you have the means, but the greatest gift you can give your spouse is you. Your presence is your wife’s greatest present. Yes, it is good and commendable to work hard to provide for your family. But, regardless of how busy you are; stop and smell the roses. Make time to shut out the world, switch off the phone, turn off the TV, find a baby sitter and spend quality uninterrupted time with your spouse. Your spouse left everything to be with you. Everything you give your spouse means nothing if your spouse cannot enjoy them together with you. Regardless of how hard you work; give your spouse your time, your affection and your attention.
"Enjoy life with the woman/man whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:9
One Tuesday afternoon, while William was out of town, he received a call that Susan had been involved in a fatal accident on the way home from work. William’s world collapsed in a moment. William’s plan for a dream retirement with his wife came to nothing. William’s plans to take Susan on a world tour of her dream places crumbled. William was filled with indescribable regret. Out of guilt William quit his job but it was too late. He blamed himself for not listening to Susan. At Susan’s funeral, chocked with emotion, William gave a one-sentence speech. He stood up, wiped his tears, cleared his voice and remarked; “My friends, life is short, regardless of how busy you are, stop and smell the roses with the ones you love.” He staggered backward, threw himself onto the seat and cried uncontrollably.
Stop and Smell the Roses!
Hope you find some Meaningful Thoughts here...
William and Susan were both 22 years old when they married in 1995. William worked for a national telecommunications company and Susan was a teacher at a local school. Soon after their honeymoon William got a pleasant surprise from his employer. He was promoted to a regional director, a position of his dreams.
“Honey I have some very good news to share with you. Our lives will never be the same again.” William announced as he opened the kitchen door.
“Please stop cooking, go and take a quick shower and dress up. We have to go out and celebrate.” William continued.
“What is it? Please tell me.” Susan enquired with great excitement.
There was joy in the house when William shared the good news with his wife. But little did they know that their celebration marked the beginning of the end of happy days in their marriage.
The demands of the new job took a toll on William and Susan’s marriage. William travelled for meetings intensively and spent more time at the office. Week after week Susan stayed home alone bored and deeply frustrated. It seemed William was now married to his job. On several occasions Susan communicated her concerns to William but William would always dismiss her concerns by saying, “honey soon I will be at the top of the ladder and we will have all the time in the world to do all the things you desire and visit all the beautiful places in the world. With this kind of money I will retire early. Please I need your support not your constant complaining. Remember I am doing this for us. I am doing what any loving husband would do.”
With each passing day William and Susan grew further apart. The higher William climbed the corporate ladder, they more time he spent away from home and the worse their marriage became. Ten years later William had a very good paying job, a very frustrated and unsatisfied wife and a marriage at the verge of collapse.
Stop and smell the roses, is a reminder that each of us need to occasionally stop the mad rush to enjoy life with the people we love. The greatest gift you can give your spouse is you. You can give your spouse your entire paycheck. You can buy your spouse the house or car of their dreams. You can send your spouse on a world tour of their favorite places. You can buy your spouse everything they have ever dreamed of. Yes, you can give your spouse all that if you have the means, but the greatest gift you can give your spouse is you. Your presence is your wife’s greatest present. Yes, it is good and commendable to work hard to provide for your family. But, regardless of how busy you are; stop and smell the roses. Make time to shut out the world, switch off the phone, turn off the TV, find a baby sitter and spend quality uninterrupted time with your spouse. Your spouse left everything to be with you. Everything you give your spouse means nothing if your spouse cannot enjoy them together with you. Regardless of how hard you work; give your spouse your time, your affection and your attention.
"Enjoy life with the woman/man whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:9
One Tuesday afternoon, while William was out of town, he received a call that Susan had been involved in a fatal accident on the way home from work. William’s world collapsed in a moment. William’s plan for a dream retirement with his wife came to nothing. William’s plans to take Susan on a world tour of her dream places crumbled. William was filled with indescribable regret. Out of guilt William quit his job but it was too late. He blamed himself for not listening to Susan. At Susan’s funeral, chocked with emotion, William gave a one-sentence speech. He stood up, wiped his tears, cleared his voice and remarked; “My friends, life is short, regardless of how busy you are, stop and smell the roses with the ones you love.” He staggered backward, threw himself onto the seat and cried uncontrollably.
Stop and Smell the Roses!
Monday, 14 July 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
In the next couple of postings, we shall consider lessons to be learnt from the principles of an Eagle.
Eagles fly alone at high altitude and not with sparrows or other small birds. No other bird can go to the height of the eagle.
Eagles fly with Eagles.
Who are your companions?
Stay away from sparrows and ravens.
Eagles have strong vision. They have the ability to focus on something up to five kilometers away. When an eagle sites his prey, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.
Eagles do not eat on dead things. They feed only on fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but eagles will not.
Be careful with what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially in movies and on TV.
Steer clear of outdated and old information... Always do your research well.
Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get excited. The eagle uses the storm’s wind to lift it higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles uses the raging storm to lift him above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees.
We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably.
More to come...
In the next couple of postings, we shall consider lessons to be learnt from the principles of an Eagle.
Eagles fly alone at high altitude and not with sparrows or other small birds. No other bird can go to the height of the eagle.
Eagles fly with Eagles.
Who are your companions?
Stay away from sparrows and ravens.
Eagles have strong vision. They have the ability to focus on something up to five kilometers away. When an eagle sites his prey, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.
Eagles do not eat on dead things. They feed only on fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but eagles will not.
Be careful with what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially in movies and on TV.
Steer clear of outdated and old information... Always do your research well.
Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get excited. The eagle uses the storm’s wind to lift it higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles uses the raging storm to lift him above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees.
We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably.
More to come...
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
The night of Tuesday, July 7, 2014 witnessed a strange act in the history of world football as the Germans shocked the Brazilian team with a whopping 7-1 defeat.
We all laughed about this unprecedented defeat, but as I thought about it, there are lessons to be learnt. Here are few:
1. The Indispensable One.
There is no gain-saying the fact that the absence of the Brazilian Striker, Neymar contributed hugely to their gross loss. This dude had become their god to the extent that the spectators chant his name whenever he's on the field.
If you are one of those who trust in man SO much for help, there may be a time they won't be able to help you. Not because they don't want to, but probably because it was beyond their reach.
(Only God gives the grace to will and the enabling ti do).
If you are an Entrepreneur, NEVER build your business around 1 staff, no matter how good or dedicated he/she is. His or her exit may mark the beginning of the end of your business.
2. Success is sweet!
I was dazed when I saw Manuel's countenance (the German Keeper) after he conceded a goal even though they'd scored 7!
He was angry. He'd wanted to keep a clean record! He's FIFA's #1 Goal Keeper in the tournament.
You must never be satisfied with the status-quo. No matter what you've achieved, always strive for more. Success is never ending
3. Thankful Attitude.
More surprising to me was when I saw David Luiz (who captained the Brazilian team) when he went on his knees giving thanks to God immediately the final whistle was blown. I've never seen such before!
No matter what loss you have suffered or suffering, never cease to thank God. The Bible admonishes us to "give thanks always". Luiz was an inspiration to me last night.
And no matter how terrible you think your case might be, there's always opportunity for Thanksgiving. E.g. what if Brasilians had crashed out in the first round -many football analyst felt the team had only "managed" to get to the semis.
4. Ignore the Naysayers.
The German team probably wasn't given a chance, especially when they had only "struggled" to get past an African "minnow". Yet they went ahead to make a mince-meat of a giant.
Believe in yourself; believe in your abilities. Never mind don't who don't give you a chance. You can be the best you want to be, with God on your side.
5. Be Assertive.
At some points, personally, I felt for the Brasilians and wondered what point the Germans wanted to make, by scoring so many goals.
But really, why not score more. Opportunities like that don't come all the time.
Make the most of every good chance you have today (not 'thefty' ones)? Good opportunities aren't perpetual.
Remember the king that was told to shoot arrows in the Bible who shot only thrice and stopped. He never had another such opportunity.
The opportunities you have can be for your career, academics, business or most importantly, spiritual. Dear Meaningful Friend, maximise the moment!
Digest these lessons and let's share more lessons as we rebroadcast.
The night of Tuesday, July 7, 2014 witnessed a strange act in the history of world football as the Germans shocked the Brazilian team with a whopping 7-1 defeat.
We all laughed about this unprecedented defeat, but as I thought about it, there are lessons to be learnt. Here are few:
1. The Indispensable One.
There is no gain-saying the fact that the absence of the Brazilian Striker, Neymar contributed hugely to their gross loss. This dude had become their god to the extent that the spectators chant his name whenever he's on the field.
If you are one of those who trust in man SO much for help, there may be a time they won't be able to help you. Not because they don't want to, but probably because it was beyond their reach.
(Only God gives the grace to will and the enabling ti do).
If you are an Entrepreneur, NEVER build your business around 1 staff, no matter how good or dedicated he/she is. His or her exit may mark the beginning of the end of your business.
2. Success is sweet!
I was dazed when I saw Manuel's countenance (the German Keeper) after he conceded a goal even though they'd scored 7!
He was angry. He'd wanted to keep a clean record! He's FIFA's #1 Goal Keeper in the tournament.
You must never be satisfied with the status-quo. No matter what you've achieved, always strive for more. Success is never ending
3. Thankful Attitude.
More surprising to me was when I saw David Luiz (who captained the Brazilian team) when he went on his knees giving thanks to God immediately the final whistle was blown. I've never seen such before!
No matter what loss you have suffered or suffering, never cease to thank God. The Bible admonishes us to "give thanks always". Luiz was an inspiration to me last night.
And no matter how terrible you think your case might be, there's always opportunity for Thanksgiving. E.g. what if Brasilians had crashed out in the first round -many football analyst felt the team had only "managed" to get to the semis.
4. Ignore the Naysayers.
The German team probably wasn't given a chance, especially when they had only "struggled" to get past an African "minnow". Yet they went ahead to make a mince-meat of a giant.
Believe in yourself; believe in your abilities. Never mind don't who don't give you a chance. You can be the best you want to be, with God on your side.
5. Be Assertive.
At some points, personally, I felt for the Brasilians and wondered what point the Germans wanted to make, by scoring so many goals.
But really, why not score more. Opportunities like that don't come all the time.
Make the most of every good chance you have today (not 'thefty' ones)? Good opportunities aren't perpetual.
Remember the king that was told to shoot arrows in the Bible who shot only thrice and stopped. He never had another such opportunity.
The opportunities you have can be for your career, academics, business or most importantly, spiritual. Dear Meaningful Friend, maximise the moment!
Digest these lessons and let's share more lessons as we rebroadcast.
Meaningful Living TODAY
The night of Tuesday, July 7, 2014 witnessed a strange act in the history of world football as the Germans shocked the Brazilian team with a whopping 7-1 defeat.
We all laughed about this unprecedented defeat, but as I thought about it, there are lessons to be learnt. Here are few:
1. The Indispensable One.
There is no gain-saying the fact that the absence of the Brazilian Striker, Neymar contributed hugely to their gross loss. This dude had become their god to the extent that the spectators chant his name whenever he's on the field.
If you are one of those who trust in man SO much for help, there may be a time they won't be able to help you. Not because they don't want to, but probably because it was beyond their reach.
(Only God gives the grace to will and the enabling ti do).
If you are an Entrepreneur, NEVER build your business around 1 staff, no matter how good or dedicated he/she is. His or her exit may mark the beginning of the end of your business.
2. Success is sweet!
I was dazed when I saw Manuel's countenance (the German Keeper) after he conceded a goal even though they'd scored 7!
He was angry. He'd wanted to keep a clean record! He's FIFA's #1 Goal Keeper in the tournament.
You must never be satisfied with the status-quo. No matter what you've achieved, always strive for more. Success is never ending
3. Thankful Attitude.
More surprising to me was when I saw David Luiz (who captained the Brazilian team) when he went on his knees giving thanks to God immediately the final whistle was blown. I've never seen such before!
No matter what loss you have suffered or suffering, never cease to thank God. The Bible admonishes us to "give thanks always". Luiz was an inspiration to me last night.
And no matter how terrible you think your case might be, there's always opportunity for Thanksgiving. E.g. what if Brasilians had crashed out in the first round -many football analyst felt the team had only "managed" to get to the semis.
4. Ignore the Naysayers.
The German team probably wasn't given a chance, especially when they had only "struggled" to get past an African "minnow". Yet they went ahead to make a mince-meat of a giant.
Believe in yourself; believe in your abilities. Never mind don't who don't give you a chance. You can be the best you want to be, with God on your side.
5. Be Assertive.
At some points, personally, I felt for the Brasilians and wondered what point the Germans wanted to make, by scoring so many goals.
But really, why not score more. Opportunities like that don't come all the time.
Make the most of every good chance you have today (not 'thefty' ones)? Good opportunities aren't perpetual.
Remember the king that was told to shoot arrows in the Bible who shot only thrice and stopped. He never had another such opportunity.
The opportunities you have can be for your career, academics, business or most importantly, spiritual. Dear Meaningful Friend, maximise the moment!
Digest these lessons and let's share more lessons as we rebroadcast.
The night of Tuesday, July 7, 2014 witnessed a strange act in the history of world football as the Germans shocked the Brazilian team with a whopping 7-1 defeat.
We all laughed about this unprecedented defeat, but as I thought about it, there are lessons to be learnt. Here are few:
1. The Indispensable One.
There is no gain-saying the fact that the absence of the Brazilian Striker, Neymar contributed hugely to their gross loss. This dude had become their god to the extent that the spectators chant his name whenever he's on the field.
If you are one of those who trust in man SO much for help, there may be a time they won't be able to help you. Not because they don't want to, but probably because it was beyond their reach.
(Only God gives the grace to will and the enabling ti do).
If you are an Entrepreneur, NEVER build your business around 1 staff, no matter how good or dedicated he/she is. His or her exit may mark the beginning of the end of your business.
2. Success is sweet!
I was dazed when I saw Manuel's countenance (the German Keeper) after he conceded a goal even though they'd scored 7!
He was angry. He'd wanted to keep a clean record! He's FIFA's #1 Goal Keeper in the tournament.
You must never be satisfied with the status-quo. No matter what you've achieved, always strive for more. Success is never ending
3. Thankful Attitude.
More surprising to me was when I saw David Luiz (who captained the Brazilian team) when he went on his knees giving thanks to God immediately the final whistle was blown. I've never seen such before!
No matter what loss you have suffered or suffering, never cease to thank God. The Bible admonishes us to "give thanks always". Luiz was an inspiration to me last night.
And no matter how terrible you think your case might be, there's always opportunity for Thanksgiving. E.g. what if Brasilians had crashed out in the first round -many football analyst felt the team had only "managed" to get to the semis.
4. Ignore the Naysayers.
The German team probably wasn't given a chance, especially when they had only "struggled" to get past an African "minnow". Yet they went ahead to make a mince-meat of a giant.
Believe in yourself; believe in your abilities. Never mind don't who don't give you a chance. You can be the best you want to be, with God on your side.
5. Be Assertive.
At some points, personally, I felt for the Brasilians and wondered what point the Germans wanted to make, by scoring so many goals.
But really, why not score more. Opportunities like that don't come all the time.
Make the most of every good chance you have today (not 'thefty' ones)? Good opportunities aren't perpetual.
Remember the king that was told to shoot arrows in the Bible who shot only thrice and stopped. He never had another such opportunity.
The opportunities you have can be for your career, academics, business or most importantly, spiritual. Dear Meaningful Friend, maximise the moment!
Digest these lessons and let's share more lessons as we rebroadcast.
Monday, 7 July 2014
Mindset is probably the major determinant of success
As a ex-employee how differently will u have to think to succeed as an entrepreneur?
1. You're responsible for all decisions -good and bad: opportunities may be short-lived, so you must develop a sense of urgency.
2. Hold both short and long-term visions simultaneously: what you do or don't do now will have an impact down the line.
3. Feeling uncomfortable is your new comfort-zone: as an entrepreneur, there is no box; always reaching out to new horizons.
4. Learning is a continuous journey: e.g. Learning spreadsheet; presentation skills e.t.c.
5. Numbers don't lie: your cash flow will keep you in or out of your business.
6. Love your business, but be objective: you will need to work on the business, not in the business;
7. Enjoy breaking rules: entrepreneurs aren't interested in the status-quo.
8. Time is not linear: An employee has a timetable; an entrepreneur is always thinking about the business.
Let's have more of your views about what needs to change from being an employee to being an entrepreneur.
Mindset is probably the major determinant of success
As a ex-employee how differently will u have to think to succeed as an entrepreneur?
1. You're responsible for all decisions -good and bad: opportunities may be short-lived, so you must develop a sense of urgency.
2. Hold both short and long-term visions simultaneously: what you do or don't do now will have an impact down the line.
3. Feeling uncomfortable is your new comfort-zone: as an entrepreneur, there is no box; always reaching out to new horizons.
4. Learning is a continuous journey: e.g. Learning spreadsheet; presentation skills e.t.c.
5. Numbers don't lie: your cash flow will keep you in or out of your business.
6. Love your business, but be objective: you will need to work on the business, not in the business;
7. Enjoy breaking rules: entrepreneurs aren't interested in the status-quo.
8. Time is not linear: An employee has a timetable; an entrepreneur is always thinking about the business.
Let's have more of your views about what needs to change from being an employee to being an entrepreneur.
Friday, 27 June 2014
In the Long Run
Meaningful Living TODAY
In the long run, we're all fertilizer, that's a guarantee.
But what about the other long run effects?
In the long run, we all learn that...
- Happiness is a gift we give ourselves.
- · Being nice and kindhearted wins out.
- Going the extra mile always pays off.
- Simplicity is the key to good life.
- Time is more important than money.
- The best things in life are free.
- Quality is more important than quantity.
- Attitude truly is everything.
- Behavior never lies.
- Excuses are character deficiencies.
- Living within our means is smart living.
- Humility is more powerful that arrogance.
- Reputation is built over many acts and lost by one.
- Trust once lost is virtually impossible to regain.
- Excellence is the only acceptable standard.
- Having character is far more important than being a character.
- A promise made must become a promise kept.
- Integrity is profoundly important.
- Everything we think, say and do counts!
P.S. It's amazing to think that when you arrive to work on
Monday that you'll be 8 days away from wrapping up the first half of the year. -GARY
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our
hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalms 90:12)
Make your time count; Make your life Meaningful.
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Tips for Uncommon Dream Achievement
Living TODAY
1. Dreams
are born or borrowed
2. Your
dream may require encouragement from others at first
3. Your
dream does not always require the approval of everyone you love
4. Your
dream can start with whatever is in you heart today
5. You
already have what it takes to launch an uncommon dream -DESIRE
6. Your
dream will require a true hunger for obtainment
7. You dream
must become your magnifying obsession
8. Your
dream must be energising enough to cause you to make a change in your daily
9. An
uncommon dream will require immediate attention
10. Your
dream deserves your total focus
11. Your
dream may require a geographical change
12. Your
dream will always require the assistance of others
13. Your
dream may require extraordinary negotiations with others
14. You must
always build your daily agenda around your dreams
15. You must
nurture and protect those relationships connected to your dreams.
-excerpt "Secrets of the Richest Man Who Ever Lived", Mike Murdock
Make your
life meaningful; go for your dreams; with God you can achieve!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
Friday, 20 June 2014
MTN Nigeria
Plan Name
Service Rental
Bundle Size
Validity Period
SMS Code
Target Device
Mobile Daily
104 to 131
Daily Internet
104 to 131
PC/ tablet
250MB Mobile Browsing
30 days
109 to 131
PC/ tablet
500MB Mobile Browsing
30 days
110 to 131
/PC/ tablet
1GB Mobile Browsing
30 days
111 to 131
PC/ tablet
Monthly for Mobile
30 days
106 to 131
Weekly for Mobile
7 days
105 to 131
Monthly Internet
30 days
101 to 131
PC/ tablet
Weekend Internet
Fri – 9pm Mon, 30 days
108 to 131
PC/ tablet
Day Time Internet
9am –
9pm, 30 days
107 to 131
/PC/ tablet
Night Internet
9pm –
6am, 30 days
102 to 131
Hourly Plans
Time Limit
2 Hours
2H to 131
20 Hours
20H to 131
100 Hours
100H to 131
300 Hours
300H to 131
To check internet data
balance on any MTN bundle, text 2 to 131
Target Device
Daily Internet Browsing
Day Internet Browsing
/PC /tablet
Weekly Internet Browsing
7 days
Weekend Internet Browsing
/PC /tablet
Lite Internet Bundle
30 days
/PC /tablet
Night Internet Browsing
30 days
Plus Internet Browsing
30 days
Max Internet Browsing
30 days
Premium Internet Bundle
30 days
Smartphone Internet Bundle
30 days
PC/ Tablet
To check your Airtel data plan, dial *141*712*0#
Plan Name
Target Device
51 to 127
52 to 127
/PC/ Tablet
53 to 127
/PC/ Tablet
54 to 127
PC/ tablets
Always Min
11 to 127
PC/ tablets
Always Max
12 to 127
10 to 127
/PC/ Tablet
data limit
20 to 127
data limit
21 to 127
G Work
data limit
– 9pm
31 to 127
G Leisure
data limit
8pm –
9am + all day weekend
30 to 127
To check your internet
information on GLO, text “info” to 127
Plan Name
Target Device
Etisalat Daily Internet Bundle
Etisalat Weekly Internet Browsing Bundle
Etisalat 200MB Internet Browsing Bundle
Etisalat 500MB Internet Browsing Bundle
/PC/ Tablet
Etisalat 1.5GB Internet Browsing Bundle
/PC/ Tablet
Etisalat 3GB Internet Browsing Bundle
/PC/ Tablet
Etisalat 6GB Internet Browsing Bundle
Etisalat Night & Weekends Browsing
/PC/ Tablet
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Meaningful Morning_OPENED HANDS
Meaningful Morning OPENED HANDS Psalm 104:27-28 KJV "These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. ...

Meaningful Living TODAY_11102013 THINK NEW "As we awake to a new day, most of us think of the same old things. It's a new ...
Meaningful Living TODAY STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES Hope you find some Meaningful Thoughts here... William and Susan were both 22 years ol...
Meaningful Living TODAY LESSONS FROM BRASIL The night of Tuesday, July 7, 2014 witnessed a strange act in the history of world football a...