Friday, 16 May 2014


Meaningful Living TODAY

Gary Ryan Blair

We all need and benefit from physical, intellectual, leadership, relational, sales, and any type of performance challenge that stretches us, forces us to overcome adversity, tests our character and commitment, and inspires us to say adios to our comfort zone.

With that in mind, here are a few questions for you to consider:

Who looks you in the eye and says: 
"You are not using your strengths to really make a difference."
"Given your skills, you could do better..."
"What would happen if you committed your life to excellence?"
'What are you waiting for?"
"Could you set aside the fear and just go for it?"
"Why can't you do it faster?"
"What are you afraid of, I know you're holding back?"
"You need to think bigger and step up your game?”

It takes love, kindness, confidence and boldness to bring the truth to a friend you care about.

One final question...if you're insulating yourself from these conversations and challenges, who benefits?

Do something BIG, Bold and Beautiful today, and always remember...Everything Counts!

Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Make this weekend count meaningfully… 

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Friday, 9 May 2014


Meaningful Living TODAY


In this lesson, the objective is to answer two pressing questions which impact every aspect of your life;

1. "What does it mean to be rich?

2. "How does one live a richer life?"

Let's begin with the true meaning of the word rich.

The word "rich" comes from the root word for "reach".

You are rich when you reach out and expand any dimension of your life, which is accomplished by expanding your comfort zone.


The following provides a five-point plan for getting rich-right now.

1.    The first type of reaching out is a PERSONAL one.

You become richer when you reach beyond your intellectual abilities by reading great books, listening to stimulating messages, challenge conventional wisdom and engaging in stimulating conversations.

2.    The second type of reaching out is PHYSICAL.

When you expand your physical energy, challenge your physical limits, and improve your ability to perform, you are reaching out and living a richer life.

The blessings and joys of a rich healthy life can be yours when you choose to make them priorities in your life.

3.    The third type of reaching out is FAMILY.

When you spend time strengthening, clarifying, and enhancing your relationships with your mate or lover, children, siblings, and parents you are becoming richer and living a more satisfying life.

Family is the emotional core of our lives. Every deposit into your family's emotional bank account is a deposit into emotional prosperity.

4.    The fourth type of reaching out is CAREER.

When you make the decision to commit your life to excellence – to ever-increasing accomplishments, at ever-increasing levels of skill and mastery, you are reaching out.

As a result, your reputation is enriched, your options become more abundant, and your rewards become far more fruitful.

By continually raising the bar, you ensure greatness and improve your chances of getting rich financially.

5.    The fifth type of reaching out is FINANCIAL.

Money is the reward you receive for the service you render, and the more value you offer, the greater will be your reward.

When you begin thinking of ways in which you can be of greater service to your customers, your employers and employees, you will not only begin to earn more money, it will also enable you to grow intellectually and spiritually.

When you expand your comfort zone of what is possible in any area of your life, you are reaching out and living a fuller, richer, more prosperous life.

So, do you want to get rich - right now?

It's actually very simple: begin right now, where you are, with what you have and reach out - the rewards will follow.

We are now into the second week of May and if your results are not where you expected to be at this point in 2014, if you have not reached out like you know you are capable of then you need a better plan.

You can begin the process of inviting riches into your life by working on improving your reach and by going here right now.

Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Friday, 2 May 2014


Meaningful Living TODAY

Today, I want to share with you a simple, 
yet powerful idea that once implemented 
will make a solid impact on the quality 
of your day and bottom-line results.

get ready... 

get set... 

here it is... 


I told you it was simple. 

Make something happen, advance the ball up
the field, move the needle on a project. 

Make something happen right now, the moment 
you finish reading this, and stick with it. 

Launch that idea, post that post, run that 
ad, call that customer, solve that problem. 

Go to the edge, that edge you've been holding 
back from... and get started on it now. 

Don't wait, and by all means don't ask for 
permission, make something happen! 

Just go, get it done, and then do it again 

This is just one of the many lessons you'll 
learn on the other side of this link. 

Everything Counts! 

Gary Ryan Blair 

P.S. The best ideas in life are simple, 
elegant and highly effective.

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
BB PIN: 74B85FE9

Meaningful Morning_OPENED HANDS

Meaningful Morning OPENED HANDS Psalm 104:27-28 KJV "These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. ...