Meaningful Living TODAY
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
Friday, 29 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
What a term?
As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.
But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.
And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"
The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "
Please don't hesitate to share your comments here
Do have an excellently meaningful day!
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
by John Maxwell
Ask most people about their company’s mission statement, and you’ll receive a blank stare. It’s probably hanging on the wall somewhere, but no one even realizes it’s there. Pausing to consider the organization’s mission may help to orient a leadership team. However, in terms of day-to-day operations, the organization’s stated purpose is practically worthless.
Leaders should quit agonizing over the wording of an abstract mission statement that almost no one will read and that will have almost zero impact on their people. Instead, they should concentrate their efforts on developing and following a “Rule of 5” for their company.
What’s the Rule of 5?
Picture a tree in your backyard that needs to be cut down. If you grab an ax and take five good swings at the tree each day, eventually you will chop it down. It may take a month to fell a small tree, while a big tree may take years to topple. The size of the tree isn’t the issue; the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at it every day.
For leaders, a primary challenge is to identify the five activities most essential to success, and then to practice them daily. The Rule of 5 doesn’t ask: “What are the five things I would like to do.” That’s a question related to passion. Nor does it ask: “What are five things I should like to do? That sort of inquiry uncovers your values. Rather, the Rule of 5 asks: “What are the five things I must like to do in order to be successful?” Posing this question cuts to the heart of the daily behaviors necessary to win in your chosen profession.
For example, to excel as an author, there are five things that must happen each day:
Filing good material
Asking questions
If someone has raw talent as a writer, and practices these activities long enough, they’ll eventually find an audience for their work.
The Rule of 5 is more tangible, behavioral, and measurable than a mission statement. At the end of the day, you can review the Rule of 5 and immediately assess whether or not you have followed it. Ultimately, your organizational culture will be dictated far more by the things you do daily than by the mission statement you post on your walls or website homepage.
Exercise to Consider
Over the next week, carve out time to consider the five activities most essential to your success. Use them to create your own Rule of 5. Then, for the next month, take five minutes in the morning, and another five minutes at the end of the day, to review your Rule of 5. This simple exercise will sharpen your focus and speed your progress toward success.
Will you start on your own today?
by John Maxwell
Ask most people about their company’s mission statement, and you’ll receive a blank stare. It’s probably hanging on the wall somewhere, but no one even realizes it’s there. Pausing to consider the organization’s mission may help to orient a leadership team. However, in terms of day-to-day operations, the organization’s stated purpose is practically worthless.
Leaders should quit agonizing over the wording of an abstract mission statement that almost no one will read and that will have almost zero impact on their people. Instead, they should concentrate their efforts on developing and following a “Rule of 5” for their company.
What’s the Rule of 5?
Picture a tree in your backyard that needs to be cut down. If you grab an ax and take five good swings at the tree each day, eventually you will chop it down. It may take a month to fell a small tree, while a big tree may take years to topple. The size of the tree isn’t the issue; the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at it every day.
For leaders, a primary challenge is to identify the five activities most essential to success, and then to practice them daily. The Rule of 5 doesn’t ask: “What are the five things I would like to do.” That’s a question related to passion. Nor does it ask: “What are five things I should like to do? That sort of inquiry uncovers your values. Rather, the Rule of 5 asks: “What are the five things I must like to do in order to be successful?” Posing this question cuts to the heart of the daily behaviors necessary to win in your chosen profession.
For example, to excel as an author, there are five things that must happen each day:
Filing good material
Asking questions
If someone has raw talent as a writer, and practices these activities long enough, they’ll eventually find an audience for their work.
The Rule of 5 is more tangible, behavioral, and measurable than a mission statement. At the end of the day, you can review the Rule of 5 and immediately assess whether or not you have followed it. Ultimately, your organizational culture will be dictated far more by the things you do daily than by the mission statement you post on your walls or website homepage.
Exercise to Consider
Over the next week, carve out time to consider the five activities most essential to your success. Use them to create your own Rule of 5. Then, for the next month, take five minutes in the morning, and another five minutes at the end of the day, to review your Rule of 5. This simple exercise will sharpen your focus and speed your progress toward success.
Will you start on your own today?
Thursday, 14 August 2014
A few months ago, I went on an outing with the Meaningful Seeds -these are the children of the members of the Meaning Men and Meaningful Women groups ( you can ask more on that later. And I am sure you will believe me if I tell you that we had a meaningful outing –children are really wonderful.
Part of the fun we had was games. Some of the children came with different games. There was this particular game that one of them brought –“Yunomi”. Sounds funny, right? The game can be played between 2 or more persons who are supposed to be friends e.g. spouses, siblings, class mates’ e.t.c.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines a friend as “a person YOU KNOW VERY WELL and like, and who is not usually a member of your family”. Note the capitalised words.
As many of us expect, a friend is someone you believe should be there for you when the need arises –a friend in need, is a friend indeed. I recently came across a quote: “The fastest way to find out if someone is really your friend is to tell them you’re broke”, (laughs).
Well, the issue is not necessarily about asking someone for money. But rather about the question “you call me your friend, do you know me?”
I was chatting with a senior friend and mentor who left the country some years ago and he made the statement “I know you very well, though I left the shores of Naija for long”. Hmmmm.….okay, I think he does.
Back to the capitalised words in the definition. How many of the people you call your friends do YOU KNOW VERY WELL? Your spouse inclusive? And how many of your friends can really so much of you that they know? Likes? Dislikes? Best this? Best that? E.t.c.
I guess it won’t be a bad idea to take time out to know to really know your friends; it can make your life meaningful…
Now ask your friend "Do you know me?"
A few months ago, I went on an outing with the Meaningful Seeds -these are the children of the members of the Meaning Men and Meaningful Women groups ( you can ask more on that later. And I am sure you will believe me if I tell you that we had a meaningful outing –children are really wonderful.
Part of the fun we had was games. Some of the children came with different games. There was this particular game that one of them brought –“Yunomi”. Sounds funny, right? The game can be played between 2 or more persons who are supposed to be friends e.g. spouses, siblings, class mates’ e.t.c.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines a friend as “a person YOU KNOW VERY WELL and like, and who is not usually a member of your family”. Note the capitalised words.
As many of us expect, a friend is someone you believe should be there for you when the need arises –a friend in need, is a friend indeed. I recently came across a quote: “The fastest way to find out if someone is really your friend is to tell them you’re broke”, (laughs).
Well, the issue is not necessarily about asking someone for money. But rather about the question “you call me your friend, do you know me?”
I was chatting with a senior friend and mentor who left the country some years ago and he made the statement “I know you very well, though I left the shores of Naija for long”. Hmmmm.….okay, I think he does.
Back to the capitalised words in the definition. How many of the people you call your friends do YOU KNOW VERY WELL? Your spouse inclusive? And how many of your friends can really so much of you that they know? Likes? Dislikes? Best this? Best that? E.t.c.
I guess it won’t be a bad idea to take time out to know to really know your friends; it can make your life meaningful…
Now ask your friend "Do you know me?"
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
10 Times You're Better Off Saying Nothing At All
1. When the other side in a negotiation starts debating against itself.
Often your best move in that situation is to keep your mouth shut and simply stay out of their way.
2. When you've asked a question: wait for an answer
3. When the other side misunderstands (and you don't have a duty to talk).
You don't always have an obligation to correct someone else's mistakes.
4. When you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You never have to fill a silence, especially when you don't have anything useful to fill it with. (In those cases, it's true: Everything you say may well in fact be used against you.)
5. When you need someone else to get the credit.
As President Harry S. Truman once said, you can accomplish just about anything if you don't care who gets the credit. Sometimes, that means staying quiet just long enough for someone else to think of your solution and propose it as his or her own.
6. When you are bragging, as opposed to sharing.
7. When your comment is more about you than the other person.
8. When you want someone else to grow.
Instead of leaping forward to answer a thoughtful question that you know the answer to, sometimes it makes sense to hold back and let others figure it out.
9. When you are clearly boring people.
Most of us can tell when we're holding court for an audience that simply couldn't care less. In that case, cut it short, wrap things up, and stop talking.
10. When you begin a speech.
Your silence holds your audience in suspense, in anticipation of your next utterance....
Meaningful Living
10 Times You're Better Off Saying Nothing At All
1. When the other side in a negotiation starts debating against itself.
Often your best move in that situation is to keep your mouth shut and simply stay out of their way.
2. When you've asked a question: wait for an answer
3. When the other side misunderstands (and you don't have a duty to talk).
You don't always have an obligation to correct someone else's mistakes.
4. When you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You never have to fill a silence, especially when you don't have anything useful to fill it with. (In those cases, it's true: Everything you say may well in fact be used against you.)
5. When you need someone else to get the credit.
As President Harry S. Truman once said, you can accomplish just about anything if you don't care who gets the credit. Sometimes, that means staying quiet just long enough for someone else to think of your solution and propose it as his or her own.
6. When you are bragging, as opposed to sharing.
7. When your comment is more about you than the other person.
8. When you want someone else to grow.
Instead of leaping forward to answer a thoughtful question that you know the answer to, sometimes it makes sense to hold back and let others figure it out.
9. When you are clearly boring people.
Most of us can tell when we're holding court for an audience that simply couldn't care less. In that case, cut it short, wrap things up, and stop talking.
10. When you begin a speech.
Your silence holds your audience in suspense, in anticipation of your next utterance....
Meaningful Living
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Meaningful Living TODAY
(Adapted from a post by
Whatever it is you want to become you have got all it takes to become.
Whenever you tell yourself that you can't achieve a desired goal for whatever reason, logical or emotional, you are cheating yourself.
You are like a commercial farmer and you have got the tractor in you already, every other tool is an add-on -cultivators, tillers, planters, harrows, e.t.c.
The only thing that can prevent you from achieving your goal is YOU, not the lack of anything.
It's right to give all you've got to get what you truly want. Sometimes all it takes is all you've got and we all know that an inner fire can't be quenched as long as the host keeps fanning it.
Nothing is impossible to a determined man. All he needs is already within him and determination ensures that he finds and harnesses them.
So whatever it is you really want to be, go after it because you've got all it takes.
And remember that sometimes it will take all you've got, but if it's your true passion it will always be worth it.
God will never bring into your life whatever is impossible for you; with God all things are possible.
Do make your life Meaningful!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
(Adapted from a post by
Whatever it is you want to become you have got all it takes to become.
Whenever you tell yourself that you can't achieve a desired goal for whatever reason, logical or emotional, you are cheating yourself.
You are like a commercial farmer and you have got the tractor in you already, every other tool is an add-on -cultivators, tillers, planters, harrows, e.t.c.
The only thing that can prevent you from achieving your goal is YOU, not the lack of anything.
It's right to give all you've got to get what you truly want. Sometimes all it takes is all you've got and we all know that an inner fire can't be quenched as long as the host keeps fanning it.
Nothing is impossible to a determined man. All he needs is already within him and determination ensures that he finds and harnesses them.
So whatever it is you really want to be, go after it because you've got all it takes.
And remember that sometimes it will take all you've got, but if it's your true passion it will always be worth it.
God will never bring into your life whatever is impossible for you; with God all things are possible.
Do make your life Meaningful!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
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