Wednesday 9 May 2018

Meaningful Morning_OPENED HANDS

Meaningful Morning
Psalm 104:27-28 KJV
"These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
"That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good."
We wait on You LORD,
Open Your hands:
Help us live by Your principles,
That we may gather from You and be filled,
In Jesus' name

Tuesday 6 June 2017

1.       Happiness is a Choice
When you wake up in the morning, how do you choose to live your day? In this very instant, you can choose to be happy and simply do what you love doing.
2.       Smile at the World and the World will smile back
It’s a well-known fact that smiling is contagious. When you smile to others, no doubt about it you will be making the other person feel pretty damn good about themselves and they will be in a more positive frame. Most likely, they will smile back at you!
3.       Connect Deeply
When we talk with others, share experiences with others, listen and care for others, we are connecting with the other person and building a relationship. A key component of happiness is connecting deeply with those around you.
4.       Be Kind
When someone is kind to you, it makes you feel happy. This works the other way around as well! Be kind to others and it will make you happy! What have you done today that was a kind gesture to another person?
5.       Love Fully
Who do you love and who loves you? Have you let them know recently that you love them? Loving fully, openly and honestly helps build relationships and trust and brings about enormous happiness not only in yourself, but in those that you care about most.
6.       Find What Makes You Happy and DO IT OFTEN
We are all completely unique. We all have different backgrounds, different personalities and therefore difference preferences. Explore the world and try new things. Find out what makes you happy. If you know what makes you happy, then you can simply DO IT and turn it into an essential part of your life.
7.       Forgive Yourself
If you have previously made an error and are carrying weight on your shoulders, perhaps now is the time to drop the baggage and enable yourself to move on and start the happiness.
8.       Forgive Others
If someone has let you down, there is no need to let this drag out and feel down on an ongoing basis. Forgiveness is a key component of being able to move on with your life and restoring happiness to its highest levels.
9.       Eat Healthy
You are what you eat. Eat happy foods! And that doesn’t mean McDonalds. Eating healthy foods has a positive impact not only on your health, but also your moods and cognitive ability.
10.   Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can help reduce stress while releasing endorphins and serotonin, key ingredients of experiencing feelings of happiness. The best part though, is that you look awesome and you become physically fit!
11.   Challenge Yourself
Try out new experiences. Push your boundaries. Set yourself goals and go beyond what you think is possible. Challenging yourself and pushing your boundaries will help you become more self-aware as well as more self-confident, and give you wider experiences ultimately leading to increased happiness.
12.   Hug Your Family, Hug Your Friends, Hug the WORLD
There’s something special about the touch of another person. There’s something even more special around physically embracing and hugging another individual. Give happiness and feel happiness by hugging those around you!
13.   Think Positive
You can achieve what you believe. Not only this, but if you see the positive in life and in situations that a presented to you, you will physically feel happier and be more successful in your pursuits.
14.   Treat Yourself
What little things make you feel happy? Treat and reward yourself when you have achieved something and let the feelings of happiness flow!
15.   Relax
Take some time out. Go on a holiday or read a book, perhaps do some meditation or simply get some rest. Relaxing brings about happiness. What do you do daily to relax?
16.   Have Fun
We all have to do certain things in life, we eat, we walk, we talk, we sleep, and we can choose to have fun in everything we do. Life is not meant to be serious. We are here for only a few short years so make sure you’re having fun while living!
17.   Trust in Others
Be open to others and trust in them. Trusting others can relax and calm you and give you confidence. It helps build relationships and ultimately leads to happiness.
18.   Be Trustworthy
Know that you are trustworthy and be trustworthy. Similar to above, being trustworthy helps you to have confidence in yourself, can relax and calm you and helps build relationships with others. Most importantly, being trustworthy means that you are being open, honest and transparent with yourself which is an essential ingredient for experiencing happiness.
19.   Happiness Brings Love, Success & Fulfilment; Love, Success & Fulfilment Bring Happiness
People often say that they will be happy if they find love, or they will be happy if they are successful in a certain area in their life. Although love and success can bring happiness, it is ultimately happiness that brings about love, success and life fulfilment.
20.   Set Your Own Goals
Goals are super important for giving you a sense of direction and purpose. By knowing where you need to get to, you can make choices that are aligned to your path. Setting your own goals gives you a feeling of purpose, confidence and ultimately happiness.
21.   Learn and Experience Everyday
Stretch your mind and build your life. Keep learning every day and experience new things as much as possible. You never know, you might just learn that the new experience you do today is the best and most fulfilling thing you have ever done in your life.
22.   Life is Exciting. Life is Your Choice. Life is Fun.
We live for a very short time on this Earth. You only get one life and we never know when it will be taken from us. You can choose how to live your time on this Earth. The possibilities are endless. Life is exciting, life is fun, and life is about experiencing absolute happiness.
23.   Count Your Blessings
Your health, your family, your community, your ability to be able to go on the internet and read this right now, are all things that many people in this World do not have. Taking time out to look at your life and count your blessings can help you realize that there is no reason you should be feeling anything other than happiness.
24.   Give to Others
Think not only of yourself but of those around you. Give to others generously. What you give is what you get. Feel good about yourself for giving generously and I’m sure you will again feel happiness when the giving returns to you.
25.   Laugh Out loud
Laughing is a sure-fire way of making you feel good about yourself. But don’t just laugh, laugh out loud and laugh with others. Feel the chuckle in your belly and laugh till you cry!
26.   Sing
Singing and listening to music has physiological effects which can shape our mood, ultimately helping us to be happy. Sing often, listen to music often and whistle often and no doubt you will feel an uplift in your mood, instantly!
27.   Dance
Shake your booty, get physical and become super-happy while dancing the night away! Dancing is a super-fun way of getting exercise, helping to release endoprhins and lift your mood. Dancing also helps you express your creativity, your personality and enhances you relationships with those that your dancing with.
28.   Go a little bit silly!
Going a little bit silly helps you to relax, have fun and just enjoy the present. When you’re going a little bit silly, there are no worries in the World and you create your own fun. If you’re going a little bit silly with other people, this helps to deepen your relationships with them. The best part about going a little bit silly? It’s just super-stupid-fun!
29.   Travel the World
Experience everything that this beautiful planet has to offer. Travelling the World will open up your eyes to new experiences and new cultures and will also help you become aware of your blessings and be grateful for what you currently have.
30.   Know Yourself
Understanding yourself, your values, your beliefs, your motivators and ultimately what makes you happy is essential for being able to make choices to live the life that you want to lead. Knowing yourself will help you fly through life and experience ongoing happiness in whatever it is that you pursue.
31.   Be Resilient
Change is imminent and just to keep things interesting, life always throws curve-balls. Know that change is something that we all experience and know that maintaining or regaining feelings of absolute-happiness are results of being resilient and tackling life with a positive attitude when the going gets tough.
32.   Say I’m Sorry
If you have made an error or a mistake or have impacted someone or something in a way that you’re not proud of, simply say “I’m Sorry”. Saying from the heart that you’re sorry will help you feel better about yourself and not ‘bottle it up’ and will also let the other person know that you are genuinely sorry.
33.   Say Thank You
Be appreciative for the things that are given to you. Simply saying “Thank You” can not only make you feel better, but it can make a world of difference to the person that you are saying it to.
34.   Say I Love You
No need to hide the feelings inside. Let your feelings out by saying “I Love You” to those that you care about most. You will feel absolute-happiness for doing so and you will make your loved ones feel even more happy and loved.
35.   Help and Teach Others
Lend a helping hand or pass on your knowledge to others. Feel good for knowing that you have made a difference in someone else’s life. You will feel the happiness in knowing that you have spread the happiness to others.
36.   Feel the Sunshine
Simply feeling the suns’ rays on your skin can make you feel happier and best of all, give you a nice looking glow! If you’re spending too much time inside, head outdoors and feel the warmth of the sunshine.
37.   Be Brave
Stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks can not only help you to build your confidence but it can lead you to something special that you may not have had otherwise.
38.   Be Excited
Whatever it is that you are going to be doing today, it’s something to be excited about! No-one else on this planet gets to be able to live the same life as you do, so be excited in knowing that you a creating your own unique life journey.
39.   Be Creative
Foster your creativity by exploring different avenues such as painting, drawing, singing, innovating, creating or building just to name a few. Letting our minds go on a journey fosters not only happiness but your ability to be creative and have fun with life.
40.   Be You
An absolute essential for living a super-happy life, you need to be you and not what you think others think you should be. Do the things that you want to do and be the person that you know you are. Experience harmony between your values, your beliefs and your actions and feel the joy of happiness that it brings.
41.   Live Your Passion
You may have many passions or you may have a few. Understand and know your passions and live them out on a daily basis. Incorporate them into your daily life and experience the happiness of doing what you love.
42.   Live Your Purpose
What is your purpose in your life? What do you want to achieve and what legacy will you leave when you are no longer here? Finding your purpose and pursuing this on a daily basis will help you live a life of happiness and help you leave a legacy of happiness within others.
43.   Change the World, One Smile at a Time
You CAN change the World, one smile at a time. A smile from you can make all the difference in the life of another. You may never know the impact of what your smile may mean to another, but it may mean the World to them.
The Bonus +1
There is a number 44 for this list. This is an essential ingredient for living a happy, successful and fulfilling life. It combines every single one of the 43 habits above. Without this, you can feel overwhelmed, miss out on opportunity and not experience all that life has to offer. With this, you will be able to experience all the 43 habits above, giving time and energy to each, satisfying your lifes needs and ultimately living a more satisfying, fulfilling and happy life.

44.   The key ingredient is Balance.

Monday 1 June 2015


Psychological climate in the team is one of the main criteria to which many job seekers pay attention when choosing the place of work. 

However, if financial and other details relating to the new position can be discussed during the preliminary conversation with the management or at the interview stage, the relationship of colleagues and working environment can be assessed only after a certain time. How to behave in the conflict situations and what to do in order to improve relations with other employees?

1.       Change your attitude to the conflict
It is impossible to live life without contradictions and disputes. Work is a place where people spend a lot of time, so such conflicts occur quite often. However, sometimes these disagreements can be useful - emotional discharge helps to find a common solution of the problem and makes change a mind about a colleague and listen to someone else's point of view.
However, it should be noted that too frequent elucidation of relations may cause constant stress and tense atmosphere in the team. Note also whether the management is trying to understand the circumstances and offer solutions to the problem.

2.       Resolve a conflict at an early stage
Perhaps you've already noticed the dissatisfaction of an employee with your work or caustic remarks in your side? Try to figure out what was the reason for such a situation until the moment the petty quarrel turns into a conflict with the rapid clarifying of the relationships. Do not be afraid to talk to a colleague - probably during the dialogue you will learn how to find a compromise in order such circumstances will not be repeated in the future. If the reason for disagreement lies not in the personal motives, it is likely the problem will be solved peacefully.

3.       Keep the communication to a minimum
If you have a bad relationship or a person brings unpleasant emotions to you, try to keep contact with such a worker to a minimum. However, if you do occasionally have to deal with a colleague and to clarify some working moments, try to be in a positive attitude and keep a neutral tone in the conversation - it will help keep things under control and properly manage your emotions.

4.       Analyze your own behavior
Try to thoroughly analyze your own behavior in the team and put yourself in the place of your colleagues. This way you will understand who the main culprit for such situations is and what factors most often provoke conflicts in the workplace. Consider the comments of other co-workers - if they are true and adequate, maybe it is worth listening to them and to improve relations in such a way?

5.       Choose a neutral position
It is quite often situation in a working environment - disagreement between two staff members, each of whom is looking for support in other colleagues. Nevertheless, it is better to stand aside and take a neutral position. You should not get involved in someone else’s conflict and gossips not to spoil your own professional reputation. This behavior is the most correct, especially if you’ve just started working in the company or going through the probationary period.

6.       Solve conflicts independently
Try to analyze your own situation independently but at the same time ensure that other employees do not affect the decision of a question. Do not carry the disagreements to the public, but rather try to understand the conflict without the participation of other team members. In the case if you cannot find a common language, offer a colleague an alternative variant - for example, ask for help from your chief with whom you will be able to discuss this issue. Think carefully about your arguments and how you explain and defend your position.

7.       Control your statements
No matter what was the main reason of your quarrel - mistakes in the work process or just incompatibility of characters - in any case it is necessary to control your emotions and expressions. Transformation of the conflict into the discussion of personal qualities of the colleague is not the best quality of employee. Pay attention to the initial subject of the dispute rather than try to hurt a worker by negative comments and statements.

8.       Be able to admit mistakes
If in the course of the dispute it was suddenly found out that you were wrong, do not be afraid to admit your mistake and apologize to a colleague. Such a behavior will be displayed on your relationship positively and help prevent similar conflicts in the future.
The ability to find compromises in difficult situations and listen to the views and ideas of other employees is one of the main qualities of a true professional.

9.       Make your conclusions
Despite the fact that conflicts are inevitable, you should remember that they should not interfere with a comfortable work and be a constant source of stress. If the tense working atmosphere is continuous, but the desire to improve relations do not bring tangible results and the management makes no attempt to resolve the problem, think whether you are satisfied with this state of affairs and whether you will be able to perform your job responsibilities effectively in the future.

"If it be possible, as much as it lieth in you, live peaceably with all men" (Romans 12:18)

'Segun 'Sonowo

Thursday 8 January 2015

The Unstoppable Power of Small Steps

Meaningful TIPS Today


One of the great tragedies is to dream but take no action, or ineffective action, to make your dream come true. To die
with your dreams and aspirations still inside you, waiting for another time, another day, or a "big break" is the greatest of failures. As I get older, I'm learning that we cannot wait!

Literally everything you see and every tool you use, even the chair you're sitting on, began as nothing but thought.
Someone had an idea for a chair. Henry Ford had an idea that cars could be in every garage. Your computer began as
an idea and a series of huge, crude devices in the 1940's.
The computer you are using right now began as someone's idea that they could manufacture and sell computers better, faster and cheaper than anyone else.

Everything starts with an idea. It always has, and always will. The life you are now living is the result of all your thoughts and decisions to this point. Your future will be--
it must and can only be--what you imagine for yourself.

Many people have observed that "ideas are things." Thoughts and words have the power to move us, to change us, and to become living, breathing, tangible things! In a sense, our world is made up of nothing but thoughts and words!

But there is a gulf between an idea and its fulfillment.  
Most "things" are actually still-born and never come to fruition because we fail to span the gulf between potential and reality. That gap can only be bridged with daily action.

How many times have you thought of an invention or process that could be worth a fortune, done nothing about it, and then found that same (or a similar) product for sale a few months later? We've all had that experience. Someone got rich off "your" idea and the difference is that they took specific, concrete ACTION. Their product is in the store, making money, and your idea is still inside you, accomplishing little. Don't let that happen again!

Here are some basics, some essentials to make your dreams come true:

1.  Plan your days.  Every evening, plan the following day.
First thing in the morning, plot your priorities. Leaders have always done this! This is not new!  But only about 4% of the population does it. Write down your priorities and choose your daily actions. In advance. Every day.

2.  Keep a list of big things. On your desk or on the dashboard of your car, keep a list of your most important projects, goals and commitments. Keep it where you see it, and read it, every day. Keep it current. What we think
about, gets done.

3.  Keep a list of small things. Keep a list of 5-minute tasks, phone calls or notes that you can do any place, any time. When you wait for an appointment, make that call.
When you have a minute, send a note or read a few pages.
Always know "what's next" and take lots of small, effective actions, every single day.

4.  Take magnificent care of yourself! Healthy, happy, energetic people get the most done. It takes time and energy to achieve greatness. If you "don't have time", or are "too tired" or too distracted or too busy with small things, you will not achieve your dreams. Take care of yourself. Manage your life.

We've all heard the phrase, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
We know that "a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step," and we've heard the Serenity Prayer that God,
"Give me the courage to change the things I can."

You cannot often achieve great things over-night because in general, human beings do not do "big" things. We do little things. We get up, we go to work. We hug our loved ones and make phone calls. We check email, exercise and fix dinner.
We do little things! Highly successful people simply do the right little things, at the right time, in the right way--and they do lots of them.

If you would achieve great things, do little things and pile them one on top of another, until you reach the stars.
Start today.

Make your year meaningful!

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Saturday 4 October 2014


Meaningful Thoughts TODAY

"Either do it or don't do it. No more wishy-washy, half-hearted attempts. Either say 'no' to achievement or dig in and get to the bottom of the persistent incongruence between what you say and what you do."
-- Dan Kennedy

Dear Meaningful Friend, let's take on the charge in this last quarter of the year.
Maximise the moment.
Make use of the holidays to review some of your long-deferred 'projects'.
Be done with procrastination!
Rise up and take action!
Have a meaningful weekend!

Wednesday 10 September 2014



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Friday 29 August 2014


Meaningful Living TODAY


What a term?

As I worked on a document today, I penned the word EXCELLENCE as one of the qualities in the vision statement.

But just after giving my own definition, I got the prompt to share in your thoughts.

And this leads me to asking you:
"What is EXCELLENCE to you?"

The fact is that maybe not everyone might have thought of this before now. This is an opportunity for you to ponder...."What is Excellence? "

Please don't hesitate to share your comments here

Do have an excellently meaningful day!

Meaningful Morning_OPENED HANDS

Meaningful Morning OPENED HANDS Psalm 104:27-28 KJV "These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. ...