Psychological climate in the team is one of the main criteria to which many job seekers pay attention when choosing the place of work.
However, if financial and other details relating to the new position can be discussed during the preliminary conversation with the management or at the interview stage, the relationship of colleagues and working environment can be assessed only after a certain time. How to behave in the conflict situations and what to do in order to improve relations with other employees?
1. Change your attitude to the conflict
It is impossible to live life without contradictions and disputes. Work is a place where people spend a lot of time, so such conflicts occur quite often. However, sometimes these disagreements can be useful - emotional discharge helps to find a common solution of the problem and makes change a mind about a colleague and listen to someone else's point of view.
However, it should be noted that too frequent elucidation of relations may cause constant stress and tense atmosphere in the team. Note also whether the management is trying to understand the circumstances and offer solutions to the problem.
2. Resolve a conflict at an early stage
Perhaps you've already noticed the dissatisfaction of an employee with your work or caustic remarks in your side? Try to figure out what was the reason for such a situation until the moment the petty quarrel turns into a conflict with the rapid clarifying of the relationships. Do not be afraid to talk to a colleague - probably during the dialogue you will learn how to find a compromise in order such circumstances will not be repeated in the future. If the reason for disagreement lies not in the personal motives, it is likely the problem will be solved peacefully.
3. Keep the communication to a minimum
If you have a bad relationship or a person brings unpleasant emotions to you, try to keep contact with such a worker to a minimum. However, if you do occasionally have to deal with a colleague and to clarify some working moments, try to be in a positive attitude and keep a neutral tone in the conversation - it will help keep things under control and properly manage your emotions.
4. Analyze your own behavior
Try to thoroughly analyze your own behavior in the team and put yourself in the place of your colleagues. This way you will understand who the main culprit for such situations is and what factors most often provoke conflicts in the workplace. Consider the comments of other co-workers - if they are true and adequate, maybe it is worth listening to them and to improve relations in such a way?
5. Choose a neutral position
It is quite often situation in a working environment - disagreement between two staff members, each of whom is looking for support in other colleagues. Nevertheless, it is better to stand aside and take a neutral position. You should not get involved in someone else’s conflict and gossips not to spoil your own professional reputation. This behavior is the most correct, especially if you’ve just started working in the company or going through the probationary period.
6. Solve conflicts independently
Try to analyze your own situation independently but at the same time ensure that other employees do not affect the decision of a question. Do not carry the disagreements to the public, but rather try to understand the conflict without the participation of other team members. In the case if you cannot find a common language, offer a colleague an alternative variant - for example, ask for help from your chief with whom you will be able to discuss this issue. Think carefully about your arguments and how you explain and defend your position.
7. Control your statements
No matter what was the main reason of your quarrel - mistakes in the work process or just incompatibility of characters - in any case it is necessary to control your emotions and expressions. Transformation of the conflict into the discussion of personal qualities of the colleague is not the best quality of employee. Pay attention to the initial subject of the dispute rather than try to hurt a worker by negative comments and statements.
8. Be able to admit mistakes
If in the course of the dispute it was suddenly found out that you were wrong, do not be afraid to admit your mistake and apologize to a colleague. Such a behavior will be displayed on your relationship positively and help prevent similar conflicts in the future.
The ability to find compromises in difficult situations and listen to the views and ideas of other employees is one of the main qualities of a true professional.
9. Make your conclusions
Despite the fact that conflicts are inevitable, you should remember that they should not interfere with a comfortable work and be a constant source of stress. If the tense working atmosphere is continuous, but the desire to improve relations do not bring tangible results and the management makes no attempt to resolve the problem, think whether you are satisfied with this state of affairs and whether you will be able to perform your job responsibilities effectively in the future.
"If it be possible, as much as it lieth in you, live peaceably with all men" (Romans 12:18)
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