Monday, 28 October 2013

Little Things Count

Meaningful Living TODAY_28102013 

“When you do small things right, big things happen” –Unknown 

Many of those that travel inward/outward Lagos Island via Carter Bridge on work days, would have been victims of the damages at the Apongbon end (inward) and the Alaka end (outward) of the bridge. There’s so much wastage of man-hours, all because of a fault that requires just a “little repairs”. 

My Meaningful Friend, the same applies in our personal lives –get the little things right and the big things will fall in place. 

Some little things: 
  •  wake a little earlier;
  • a brief chat with your spouse; 
  • a few minutes to plan your day; 
  • a few minutes of meditation; 
  • some minutes with the kids;
  • a small note of appreciation

Remind us some more little things…… 

I hope you also noticed the flow of traffic that resulted, all because those little damages on the bridge were fixed. You’ll agree -little things count. 

Drop your comments on our blog and on the FB Page 

Do make it a Meaningful Day!

'Segun 'Sonowo 
(Meaningful Living) 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Meaningful Living TODAY_24102013


“Language offers a framework for meaning.  Please think about that powerful idea.  We understand the world through words.  The words you use determine the way you perceive reality.  If you call a stumbling block a “problem” or “a big mess” you will create a different emotional state within you than if you call the issue “an opportunity” or “a challenge that will only make me better.”  I have the privilege, as a success coach, to work with many extraordinarily successful people from around the world.

“One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understand the power of the word.  They use world-class language.  Not only do they refrain from using profanities, but they use the language of passion.  They use the language of leadership.  They use the language of possibility.  They use the language of love” –Robin Sharma

What language do you speak?

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love life shall eat the fruit hereof” (Proverbs 18:21)

Drop your comments on our blog and on the FB Page

Do make it a Meaningful Day!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Meaningful Living TODAY_23102013


“We learn everyday” Moses A. Osonowo (my dad)

“…hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3:11)

Like a thunder out of the blues was the innovative means of communication introduced by the Canadian company RIM. The Executive can easily run his business right from his bedroom, in his pyjamas.

One would have expected that this would last for long. But alas! much sooner than later, the flukes of this waow! technology started. One of the most annoying to users is the “freezing” function of this wonderful device. And ironically, while it freezes, it gets heated up (lol).

While it may seem interesting and a ‘deliverance’ that bbm is now live on iOS and android devices, my Meaningful friend, let’s pause awhile and ask ourselves “what’s the lesson from RIM?”

i. Never stop improving
ii. __________________

What are more lessons from RIM?

Drop your comments here on our blog and on the FB Page

Do have a Meaningful Day!

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Meaningful Living TODAY_22102013


"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose."  -Wayne W. Dyer

It may not be your fault after all –the family you’re born into; the early schools you attended; the place of your NYSC deployment and a couple of other choices in life. Some or all of these may have been outside your circle of control.

But really those were in the past. You can’t relive the past; you can only start from here.

So my friend, I enjoin you once again “carry your own sail”. You owe your life to yourself and the Divine One is ever ready to work with you, if you cooperate with Him, in making your life meaningful.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4)

What do you think?

Drop your comments on our blog and like FB Page;
Do have a Meaningful Day!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Monday, 21 October 2013

Meaningful Living TODAY_21102013


“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

The society is filled with so much “negatives”, e.g. power failure, grouchy bosses, uncooperative colleagues, traffic jam, ‘faulty equipment purchases’ from exploiting foreigners (lol) e.t.c. Things are truly so “bad”  that if care is not taken many people will end up seeing themselves as victims of circumstances.

My dear meaningful friend, I’ll suggest to you that rather than subjecting yourself to the many situations/ people that are out of your control, concentrate on the only one thing/ person that you own –YOURSELF.

Stephen Covey calls it “circle of control” and “circle of influence”.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4)
What do you think?
Join the discussion and drop your comments on our FB Page and blog www.facebook/com/meaningfullivinginitiative;

Do have a Meaningful Day!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Friday, 11 October 2013

Covenant Relationships: Have you read any Christian books about marriage?

Covenant Relationships: Have you read any Christian books about marriage?
Meaningful Living TODAY_11102013


"As we awake to a new day, most of us think of the same old things. It's a new day, so think of new things. New things to do, new ways to do them, new ways to make things interesting, new things to make life better, new ways to help your dreams come true. If you wake up every new day thinking of the same old things, then you set yourself up for the same old fall."
-- Unknown

Dear Meaningful Friend, I enjoin you this morning to invoke the abilities in you, mainly your ability to create. God has given to man the ability to make things happen. Whatever you are today is a function of your yesterday’s thinking; whatever you desire to be tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.

Cooperate with God by using the power of your mind to be the best you can be.

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing….” (Isaiah 43:18, 19)

Do make it a Meaningful Day!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Meaningful Living TODAY_08102013


"Everything comes to him that hustles while he waits"
-Thomas Edison

We all have lofty goals and aspirations  for the "someday" e.g. start a business; get a good job; marry a good wife; marry a rich husband, blah, blah, blah. 

Our meaningful suggestion to you today is that while you are looking forward to your someday, get off your backside and get something doing.

Many discoveries are made in the process, even before the final destination. It's in such situations that you find accountants turned successful fashion designers; doctors becoming successful business men e.t.c.

So friend, rather than waiting endlessly for the "someday" start doing something today.

"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute" (Prov. 12:24).

Do make it Meaningful Day!

'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)

Monday, 7 October 2013

Meaningful Living TODAY_07102013


"The POWER of LOVE must overcome the LOVE of POWER for peace to reign"
G.K. Ajayi

All over the world today is d cry for peace, peace, peace! Everyone desires peace. In d news today is the collaboration between Nigeria and four other countries for an anti-terrorism training. It's all in d pursuit of peace.

But on the contrast, underneath these efforts is an underlying desire/ lust for power.

Friends, true peace will only prevail if we can live in a state of "accommodating" the views/ opinions/ beliefs of others all in the spirit of true.

The desire to have others tilt to our views will not be by compulsion, especially if our lives are ruled by the Power of LOVE.

Do have a Meaningful Day!

Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)


Meaningful Morning_OPENED HANDS

Meaningful Morning OPENED HANDS Psalm 104:27-28 KJV "These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. ...