Meaningful Living TODAY_11102013
"As we awake to a new day, most of us think of the same old things. It's a new day, so think of new things. New things to do, new ways to do them, new ways to make things interesting, new things to make life better, new ways to help your dreams come true. If you wake up every new day thinking of the same old things, then you set yourself up for the same old fall."
-- Unknown
Dear Meaningful Friend, I enjoin you this morning to invoke the abilities in you, mainly your ability to create. God has given to man the ability to make things happen. Whatever you are today is a function of your yesterday’s thinking; whatever you desire to be tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.
Cooperate with God by using the power of your mind to be the best you can be.
“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing….” (Isaiah 43:18, 19)
Do make it a Meaningful Day!
'Segun 'Sonowo
(Meaningful Living)
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